Taney County Ambulance District uses DemandStar for the notification and distribution of our solicitation documents. We ask that all vendors register with DemandStar, so that your company is notified of our solicitations. To register your company, please go to www.demandstar.com/registration. On the registration form, enter the required information and be sure to select Taney County Ambulance District as your Free Agency Registration.  

DemandStar is an independent entity and is not an agent or representative of the District. Communications to DemandStar does not constitute communications to the District. The District is not responsible for errors and omissions occurring in the transmission or download of any documents from this website. Vendors who obtain solicitations from a source other than DemandStar are cautioned that the information may be incomplete.

All solicitations shall be read in their entirety. Proposals received after the established date will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. All proposals (an original and the number of copies as stated in the solicitation) shall be submitted in a sealed envelope/package addressed to Purchasing with the solicitation number and title clearly marked on the outside of the envelope/package. The envelope/package should also include the bidder/proposer's return address. No electronic submissions will be accepted. All proposals must be received by the established date in the solicitation at the following address:

Taney County Ambulance District
106 Industrial Park Drive,
Hollister, MO 65672

For the listing of our current solicitations, please visit 

Surplus Property

TCAD occasionally has a need to sell surplus property and utilizes the following online auction/bid sites:
The public is welcome to access these sites and bid on any surplus property listed. All you need to do is establish an account and start bidding.